Monday, September 5, 2011

Building Vocabulary: Use Context Clues to Learn Word Meaning

In order to build your vocabulary, you can use context clues so that you can comprehend with the new words. There are six types of context clues which help the students to understand the meanings of words. An example is provided for each.

1. Definition context clue

One can include a definition to reader understand the meaning of a word. In the following example, "tainted" is defined as having a disease.
The people of the town were warned not to eat the tainted fish. The local newspaper published a bulletin in which readers were clearly told that eating fish that had a disease could be very dangerous. This was especially true for fish caught in Lake Jean.

2. Synonym context clue

One can include a synonym to comprehend the meaning of a word. A synonym is a word that means the same as or nearly the same as another word. In the following example, the synonym "pity" helps the reader understand the meaning of "compassion."
After seeing the picture of the starving children, we all felt compassion or pity for their suffering.

3. Antonym context clue

One can also include an antonym to understand the meaning of a word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. In the following example, the antonym "eager" helps the reader understand the meaning of "reluctant."
Joe was reluctant to take on the position of captain of the basketball team. He was afraid that the time it would take would hurt his grades. On the other hand, Billy was eager for the chance to be captain. He thought that being captain of the team would make him very popular in school.

4. Description context clue

One can include one or more descriptions in order to remember the meaning of a word. In the following example, descriptions of President Kennedy as having charm, enthusiasm, and a magnetic personality help the reader understand the meaning of "charismatic."

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president, improved human rights and equal rights for all people. He was a very charismatic president. People were attracted to his charm and enthusiasm. His personality was described as magnetic.

5. Summary context clue

Teachers and students can make a number of statements that help the students to understand the meaning of a word. In the following example, statements about being rude, showing no respect, having poor manners, and being impolite help the reader understand the meaning of "impertinent."
Andrea was a very impertinent young lady. She was so rude that she talked while her teacher was explaining a lesson. She showed no respect for other students. Her manners were very poor. Even her parents thought that Andrea was impolite.

6. Visual context clue

One can include a picture, drawing, chart, graph, or other type of visual to understand the meaning of a word. For example, the picture of a joyful girl and its caption that is close to the sentence helps the reader understand that "exultant" means great joy.

Using the context clues you can learn the meaning of many new words.

Join Vidyalankar for CAT-CET classes and get FLASH CARDS and DICTIONARY free to enhance your vocabulary!!!

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