Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Know your strength and weaknesses: - First and foremost important thing one needs to analyse his/her strength and weaknesses before you start your preparation for any competitive exam. E.g. one needs to know the areas where he/she has a strong hold and the area where they need to put in more efforts in order to succeed.

Plan Your Preparation: - It is rightly said that “It pays to plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.” So, one needs to pay due attention towards planning when he/she wants to achieve goals of their lives. When you are preparing for any competitive exam it becomes all the more important to plan and climb the ladder of success. With Vidyalankar, we help you at each step to plan and succeed.

Practice Hard: - We all know that “Practice makes a man perfect”. So, practice hard to be a perfectionist in your area and achieve your goals. Merely, cramming of the chapters won’t take you anywhere it’s the logic and the knowledge which will help you to answer the questions based on applied knowledge in competitive exam.

Beyond Studies: - “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. So, along with the studies one should devote some time for the relaxation of their mind, body as well as the soul. This will help in improving concentration and focus to face intellectual challenges. A balanced and healthy diet is another factor one should keep in to consideration while preparing for entrance exams.

Source: - Sacheta Aneja

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    i am an ex student of vidhyalankar, now persuing my B.Tech 3rd Sem, EEE, at IIT Guwahati. I wanted to get in touch with my teachers who taught me there at Fort & NCS branch of Vidhyalankar. Let me list them:
    PKB, TRS, RJT, Reddy Sir(Maths) .. . and i am forgetting many more..

    Do 1 thing, send in me names of all faculty, i may select the faculty name and then u could possible be able to send me in their email/cell numbers.


    Vivek Gunawat

    ~Make Life BIG!~
